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Armand Francois Joseph Henrion

Armand Francois Joseph Henrion (1875 - 1958) was active/lived in Belgium, France.  Armand Henrion is known for Figure and small-scale clown portrait painting.

Biography photo for Armand Francois Joseph Henrion
Armand Henrion was born in Liege, Belgium May 30, 1875, and died in Paris in 1958.  Although Henrion was born in Liege, he is considered a figure and portrait painter from the French School (he became a naturalized citizen of France).

Henrion's formal education is unknown.  According to exhibition records, he was a regular exhibitor at Salons throughout Paris and Belgium.  He became know for his small portraits which captured the facial expressions of clowns laughing, singing, smoking (pipes and cigarettes) and other reactions in mime.  Most of his clowns are self portraits but he also used Pierrot, a stock character of mime and Commedia dell'Arte and the French variant of the Italian Pedrolino.  The noticeable feature in Henrion's Pierrot clown portraits is their naiveté.  They are seen as a fool, always the butt of pranks, yet nonetheless trusting. T hey, like Pierrot, are portrayed as moonstruck, and oblivious to reality.

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Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 170 auction lots for Armand Francois Joseph Henrion (of which 134 auction records sold and 0 are upcoming at auction.)

Artist artworks for sale and wanted

.  There are 0 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 1 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Armand Francois Joseph Henrion as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

Research resources

.  askART lists Armand Francois Joseph Henrion in 0 of its research Essays. Armand Francois Joseph Henrion has 23 artist signature examples available in our database.

Similar artists

.  There are 24 similar (related) artists for Armand Francois Joseph Henrion available:    Gaston Balande,  Andre Albert Marie Dunoyer de Segonzac,  Adolf Kaufmann,  Leopold Survage,  Jacques Bouyssou,  Michel Henry,  Jacques (Gaston Duchamp) Villon,  Albert Marie Lebourg,  Laszlo Neogrady,  Louis Kronberg,  Henry Pember Smith,  Aristide Maillol,  Charles Kaelin,  Dimitri Haralamb Chiparus,  Jules Rene Herve,  Elisee Maclet,  Louis Icart,  Charles Warren Eaton,  Eugene Galien-Laloue,  Paul Emile Pissarro,  Louis Aston Knight,  Ben (Benjamin) Foster,  Thomas Bigelow Craig,  Andre Lhote

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Charts for Armand Francois Joseph Henrion

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Auction Sales Stats for Armand Francois Joseph Henrion

Auction Records 170
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